Find Inner Calm and Essential Balance with Hypnotherapy

Healing begins from within. Overcome life's struggles and unlock your potential through deep restorative hypnotherapy.

Unlock Your Mind's Power with Hypnotherapy

At Happya, we believe healing comes from growing beyond life's challenges. I'm Clare, and through Essential Balance Hypnotherapy, I guide you to reconnect with your subconscious mind. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed, struggling with trauma, or stuck in self-doubt, we'll work together to regain clarity and balance.

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The Science Behind Lasting Change

Hypnotherapy uses a natural, trance-like state to access the subconscious mind, where limiting beliefs and emotional patterns reside. By accessing this state, we can gently rewire those patterns to help you heal. It's a deeply relaxed, focused state, like daydreaming, that allows your mind to be more open to positive change.

Research shows that hypnotherapy helps reduce anxiety, improve emotional resilience, and heal trauma by working with your subconscious mind's powerful ability to change. Together, we can harness this to help you move forward.

"I had the most amazing experience. Clare made me feel safe, something that I actually realise I don't often feel."


What Can Hypnotherapy Help With?

Life can be overwhelming and sometimes it feels like you're stuck in a loop, repeating the same emotional patterns, unable to break free. Hypnotherapy is a gentle yet powerful tool to help you move beyond those blocks and reclaim control over your mind, emotions, and life. Through hypnotherapy, I guide clients in overcoming challenges and healing the following issues:

Anxiety and Stress Relief

  • Do you often feel like you're walking through life on edge, with an endless knot in your stomach?

  • Does your mind race with worries about the future, keeping you up at night or making it hard to focus?

  • Have you ever felt overwhelmed, like there's no escape from the constant mental pressure?

Anxiety and stress can take over your life, leaving you feeling trapped and exhausted. Hypnotherapy helps calm your nervous system, retrain your mind, and bring you back to a state of balance and peace. Through hypnosis, you can let go of that constant tension and find lasting relief.

Healing Trauma

  • Have you experienced events in the past that you just can't seem to move on from, no matter how hard you try?

  • Do memories or emotions from those times resurface unexpectedly, leaving you feeling emotionally drained or triggered?

  • Do you feel stuck, like the weight of your past is holding you back from living fully in the present?

Trauma, whether from childhood or adulthood, leaves deep imprints on the mind. Hypnotherapy can help you process and release the unresolved emotions and memories trapped in your subconsious, allowing you to heal and move forward without the burden of your past experiences.

Building Self Confidence

  • Do you often feel like you're not good enough, or that you're always second-guessing yourself?

  • Have you ever held yourself back from opportunities because of self-doubt or fear of failure?

  • Do you struggle with imposter syndrome, constantly worrying that others will see through your facade?

Confidence is often buried under layers of fear and negative self-talk. With hypnotherapy, you can rewire the deep-seated beliefs that hold you back, replacing them with empowering, confident thoughts. This creates a foundation for you to step into your full potential and embrace opportunities with self-assurance.

Improving Sleep

  • Do you spend hours tossing and turning, unable to quiet you mind after a long day?

  • Have you ever woken up feeling just as tired as when you went to bed, with no energy to face the day ahead?

  • Does stress or anxiety disrupt your sleep patterns, leaving you feeling drained and unfocused?

Sleep is essential for your well-being, yet stress and anxiety can easily disturb your natural rhythms. Hypnotherapy helps you access a state of deep relaxation, retaining your mind to associate bedtime with calm, restful sleep. Through hypnosis, you can let go of the throughts that keep you awake and enjoy peaceful, restorative nights.

Overcoming Fears and Phobias

  • Do you have fears or phobias that seem irrational, but still keep you from living the life you want?

  • Have you ever avoided situations, people, or places becuase of a deep, unexplainable fear?

  • Do you feel like fear has too much control over your decisions and actions?

Fears and phobias can limit your experiences, making the world feel smaller than it should. Hypnotherapy helps you access the subconscious roots of these fears and reprogramme them, allowing you to face previously overwhleming situations with calm and confidence. Break free from the grip of fear and expand your life.

Letting Go of Past Pain

  • Do you find yourself reliving past hurts, unable to truly let go of the emotional pain?

  • Have you ever felt that your past is still holding you hostage, keeping you from enjoying life in the present?

  • Do you carry emotional baggage that weighs you down, even when you try to move forward?

Old wounds and unresolved emotions can keep you from living fully and joyfully in the present. Hypnotherapy allows you to porcess and release this pain at a deep, subconsious level. Let go of the past and open yourself to new possibilities with a lighter heart and a clearer mind.

"I loved the open and warm approach to the sessions and the way we got into the therapy. I was always amazed by how well suited all the sessions were and how well Clare managed to understand my needs."


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Hypnotherapy: Myths vs. Reality

Hypnotherapy has been widely misunderstood, thanks to how it's been portrayed in the entertainment industry. These misconceptions can make the process seem intimidating or even gimmicky - but let's set the record straight. Here are the most common myths:

Myth 1: "You'll Lose Control"

This couldn't be further from the truth. During hypnotherapy, you are in complete control. Hypnosis is simply a deeply relaxed state of focused awareness, much like daydreaming. You're fully aware of what's happening and can even bring yourself out of it at any time.

Myth 2: "It's Mind Control"

You've probably seen stage shows where people are made to do silly things under hypnosis. But therapeutic hypnotherapy is not about controlling your mind. It's about unlocking your subconscious to facilitate healing and growth. You will never do anything against your will.

Myth 3: "It's Only for Quitting Smoking or Weight Loss

While hypnotherapy is effective for those issues, it goes far beyond that. It can help with anxiety, trauma, confidence, sleep disorders, and much more. The possibilities for emotional and mental transformation are endless.

Curious to learn more? I've written a blog post that touches on these myths and offers further insights into hypnotherapy. Read more about the power of hypnotherapy here.

"I loved working with Clare. I had never done hypnotherapy and I now see this as such a helpful practice. It created a space to relax, to deal with some issues I was working on from a different context. Everything she did resonated with me and in every session I felt understood and looked after."


Essential Balance Hypnotherapy

Find Your Calm, Heal from Within

Essential Balance Hypnotherapy: A Journey to Inner Peace and Confidence

Our Essential Balance Hypnotherapy programme is carefully designed to help you unlock emotional healing, release what no longer serves you, and guide you toward lasting inner balance. Over the course of five transformative sessions, you’ll experience the power of hypnotherapy to address your unique challenges and reconnect with your true self. Each session builds upon the last, creating space for confidence, clarity, and deep emotional healing.

What to Expect in Your Hypnotherapy Sessions

Every session in the Essential Balance Hypnotherapy programme is structured to facilitate meaningful change and empower you to overcome challenges.

Session 1: Exploration & Introduction to Hypnotherapy

In this first session, we’ll explore your personal challenges, goals, and any questions you may have about hypnotherapy. You’ll experience its calming effects and gain a deeper understanding of how it works. This session sets a strong foundation, allowing us to tailor the programme to meet your specific needs and ensure you feel comfortable as we embark on this transformative journey together.

Sessions 2, 3, & 4: Deep Hypnotherapy for Transformation

In these core sessions, we’ll guide you into a deeply relaxed state where your subconscious mind becomes more open to positive suggestions. During this process, we’ll address and reframe limiting beliefs, emotional patterns, and subconscious blockages. These sessions deepen the therapeutic work, gently releasing past pain, stress, or anxiety, and helping you embrace a future filled with peace and confidence.

Session 5: Reflection & Reinforcement

The final session offers an opportunity to reflect on your progress and reinforce the changes you’ve made. We’ll continue to use hypnotherapy to solidify these positive shifts, ensuring you feel empowered and equipped with the tools needed to maintain your emotional balance as you move forward into a brighter, more aligned future.

By the end of your five sessions, you'll:

  • Feel more in control of your emotions and your life.

  • Experience greater calm, resilience and clarity

  • Release patterns that have held you back, creating space for growth

  • Enjoy improved sleep, focus, and overall well-being

  • Feel empowered to move forward with confidence and purpose

Ready to Rebalance and Heal?

The Essential Balance Hypnotherapy package includes 5 transformative sessions for £447. Click the button below to book your first session and begin your journey towards lasting emotional healing and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I lose control during hypnotherapy?

No, you are always in control. Hypnotherapy is about gently guiding you into a relaxed state of focused awareness, similar to when you daydream. You'll be deeply relaxed but fully aware, and you can stop the session anytime if you choose. Hypnotherapy is a safe space where your mind stays in charge-nothing happens without your permission.

How many sessions will I need?

Our Essential Balance Hypnotherapy package is designed to offer 5 session that comprehensively address your specific needs. While some clients experience noticeable shifts after just a couple of sessions, the full 5 sessions ensure a deeper, lasting transformation. Healing takes time, and we want to ensure you're equipped for long-term success, not just short-term relief.

What does it feel like to be in trance?

Being in trance feels much like when you're lost in thought or daydreaming-calm, deeply relaxed, and completely safe. You'll still be aware of your surroundings and can respond if needed, but your mind becomes open to positive, healing suggestions. It's a peaceful experience.

What can hypnotherapy help with?

Hypnotherapy is a versatile tool for emotional healing and mental well-being. I use it to help with:

  • Relieving anxiety and stress

  • Healing from trauma and past emotional pain

  • Improving self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Enhancing sleep quality

  • Overcoming fears and phobias

  • Letting go of limiting beliefs and emotional blocks

It's about helping you rediscover a sense of balance and peace within yourself.

Can anyone be hypnotised?

Yes, most people can be hypnotised, as long as they are willing and open to the process. Hypnosis is a natural state - similar to the times when you get lost in a book or drive somewhere on "autopilot".

Will I remember what happens during the session?

Yes, you'll remember everything. Hypnotherapy doesn't make you unconscious - it's more like a state of deep relaxation. You'll be aware of what's happening throughout, and you'll be able to recall the session afterward with clarity. The process is gentle, and nothing will feel forced.

Can hypnotherapy work over online?

Absolutely. Hypnotherapy can be just as effective online as in person. Whether you're in the comfort of your own home or in a private, quite space, you can experience the same deep relaxation and healing online. All you need is a comfortable, distraaction-free environment, and I'll guide the rest.

"Clare listened carefully to my concerns and was able to successfully adapt to address them resulting in changes to my thinking and behaviour in just a couple of sessions."


Essential Balance Hypnotherapy, Happa

Unlock the Power of Your Subconscious Mind: Hypnotherapy Guide

Free Download

Are you ready to explore how hypnotherapy can transform your life? Download our free guide, Unlock the Power of Your Subconscious Mind, and discover how hypnotherapy can help you overcome challenges, break free from limiting beliefs, and reconnect with your true self.

In this Comprehensive Guide, you'll learn:

  • How hypnotherapy works to support stress relief, self-confidence, and emotional healing.

  • Common myths about hypnotherapy—debunked!

  • The step-by-step process of our Essential Balance Hypnotherapy programme.

  • Real-life success stories showing the lasting impact hypnotherapy can have.

Take the first step toward your transformation. Click below to download your free guide and start your journey toward a calmer, more confident you. Download Now


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